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Refer to
Atty Gen.

Hon. Governor Bicket,
Governor of North Carolina,
Raleigh, N. C.

Dear Sir:-

I note the new Dog law has gone into effect, which is in some ways a most commendable law. But I want to place my case before you, and ask that you kindly consider same and advise me what course to pursue.

I keep some Beagles for the protection of our Orchards from rabbits. As you no doubt know, these pests do most of the damage to apple trees at nights. We have over twenty thousand apple trees. ‘Have been at great expense in bringing this orchard into bearing (Which a few thousand trees are now doing and many younger ones which the rabbits may kill or could easily do if not protected nights) These little Beagle hounds are not large enough to harm even a new born lamb - infact about all they do is to chase Rabbitts out of orchards. I have never even seen them catch one. Is there any special permit by which I can keep them at work for us and not be liable to Jail? I would ofcourse be only too glad to pay any damage done by them. It is not the cost I want to avoid, but I’d hate to be in Jail at Bakersville.

Yours Truly,