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Gov. T. W. Bickett
Raleigh, N.C.

Referring further your letter Jany twenty sixth I concur heartily in your opinion that RhodeIslands suit is really frivilous[.] Stop Yet the matter is to be argured on its merits March eighth and in order to make assurance double sure a majority of the states which ratified the eighteenth amendenment are joining in the request that the supreme court be allowed to intervene and join the government in the answer to this suit. Stop Former justice Charles Evans Hughes of NewYork has been engaged as general council to manage the case and make oral arguments. Stop It is understood that atty general of individual states will file briefs and beentered as attorneys of record if they desire. Stop In these circumstances would you not feel like allowing me to add your state to the list of those that join in this matter no expense to your state would be envolved

Carl E. Milliken
Gov of Maine

7:50 AM
Feb. 26, 1920