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Thomas Duern Indian Complains of John Robin of the Precinct and province afsd. Indian in Custody of (& so forth) for that where as the said Deft on the Eighth day of Febuary in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred Thirty Three four at the precinct afsd. made his Certain promissary Note or Script in writing Signed by him the said Deft and here in Court produced bearing date the day and year afsd. and by the sd. Note the sd. Deft Did oblidge himself to pay or Cause to be paid to Thomas Duern Indian the full sum of Eight Pounds Ten Shillings Currant bill money of North Carolina for Value received by reason whereof the Deft became and is yet liable to pay to the pltff. the said Sum of Eight Pounds Ten Shillings as afsd. according to the Tenour and Effect of the said note and being so liable he the said Deft in Consideration there of afterwards (to witt) on the day & yeare afsd. at the prect. afsd. assumed and faithfully promised to pay to the plttf: the said sum of Eight pounds Ten shillings as afsd. according to the Tenour and Effect of the said Note Nevertheless the said Deft his promise and assumption aforesaid not regarding but Contriving and fraudulently intending the Pltf: to Defraud and deceive the said Sum of Eight Pounds Ten shillings as afsd. hath not yet paid (tho' often thereto required) but the same to pay hitherto hath refused and & doth yet refuse to the Pltfs. Damage Twenty pounds and thereupon he brings this suit (and so forth)

Thos: Duern pltf: pled: &c} Jno Doe Richd. Roe

Duren    Indians—
vs.      }  Copy Narra: & plea.

Non Est Invent
William Macky

vs.      } Copy Narr:

Not Extt for want of Tame J

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