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Several Complaints haveing been made to the honble the Governor that Mr. John Grey Deputy Surveyor at Moratuck hath made divers entrys and Surveys of Land upon Moratuck River Near Uneroy one of the Settlements of the Meherin Tuskarooroe Indians which in all likelyhood will if not timely prevented break Feuds and disturbances with the sd Indians and King Blount Chief Man of the sd Tuskerooroe Indians haveing been appointed to Attend his Honour at his House the 12th day of April Next

Its Ordered that the Surveyor General and his Deputy Mr. John Grey Attend his Honour on the 12th day of April Next and bring with them Such Warrants or Entrys as either of them have made near the sd Settlement of Uneroy, that Such directions may be given to the Surveyors as will prevent any future Contests thereon, and in the meane while that the sd Mr. Grey forbear makeing any Entrys or Surveys of Land within five Miles of the sd Settlement and that no Warrants Issue for Lands on Morattuck but such as are filled up by the Secretary, and that Coll Frederick Jones doe forthwith lay out the Tuskarooroe Settlement on Morattuck according to the agreement made with Blount April the 4th. 1721