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By the Honble Landgrave Robert [Daniel] Esqr. [Receiver] Generall Vice Admirall & Deputy Governr. of North Carolina

To Captn. Tho: Relfe

I being well aprized and out of the Confidence that I have of the Skill Care and Integrity of you Thomas Relfe—I doe hereby Nominate Appoint and authorize the Said Thomas Relfe—to be Surveyr. Generall of all the lands in that part of the province of Carolina that lyes to the Northward of the Town or Settlement of the Nation of Indians called Keeahwees And if occasion shall be to Imploy one or more Deputy Surveyrs. under you Provided they are Skillfull and honest persons in the Art of Surveying And I doe alsoe hereby give unto you the said Thomas Relfe—full power and Authority to Demands and receive all fees proffitts and Emolumts. wt. soever to the Said Office belonging you and those you Shall imploy under you alwayes to observe Such Rules as have been heretofore appointed as usuall or Shall hereafter be appointed by the Lords Proprietrs. out of England or the Governmt. of Carolina ^And allso those imployed under you Shall not Survey or lay out any tracts of land for any person or persons but such as Shall have warrts. for the Same from under my hand & Seale to you directed^

And I doe hereby forbid all persons wt. soever to Survey or lay out any Lands within the province aforesaid but Such as Shall have Lysense from you the said Thomas Relfe—to Doe he Same This Comission to Continue during pleasure

Given under my hand and Seale of our [illegible] this 26th day of August in the Second yeare of her Maties Reigne Anno Dno 1703: