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By the Honeble president & Councill.

Wheras a Warrant was Directed by the Honble Henderson Walker Esqr president of the Councill &c, unto Capt Nich Daw Mr Wm Barrow Mr Nich Tilor requirning them to Call to account the Bear River Indians Som of which haveing offerd very great Abuse to Thomas Amy Esqr & others with him Contrary to those Article made with this Govermt & the Said Warrtt hath not been Returned.

These are therefore in his Majty name to require & Comand you to Serve the aforsd Mr. Nich Tilor Capt Nich Daw Mr Wm Barrow to make theire apearance Afore this board the third Day of the Genll Court to be holden for this province to Answer theire Contempt in failing to make return of theire proceedings As also to have before us att the Same time & place the King of the bear River Indians & his greate men in pursueance of theire treaty with this Goverm

Given under our hands the 3d Day of Jano 1701

To Mr James Nevill Depty Marshall att pamplico to Execute & [speddy] returne

These served By Mee
James Nevill Deputy Marshl.

To Mr [Flaison]—04:02:06