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Western North Carolina Rail Road Co.
President's Office,

Gov Z B. Vance
Dear Govr-

Reports will be forwarded by express to-day. We have now up here about 500 hands but only average on the work about 400 the rest at different things about their quarters. If you will look at the amendment of the charter of the Western Road passed last legislature you will find that 500 working force was intended. I wish to start 100 in Buncombe the 1st of the year but do not wish just now to draw off from the mountain work. With this number I will call for no more, please get them for me. I wish to begin track laying the 1st of Feby, can I purchase the iron in January and the many curves should by all means have steel rails.

Let me know if you will agree to it and if we can buy at that time. The small amount of steel rails will not add $2000 to the expense. If the winter is not unusually severe I will see to the top by spring. 

Yrs Vry Respy

PS. Mr Page passed here this morning with fish for the Yadkin to be put in at Salisbury, they sound very healthy