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Western North Carolina Rail Road Co.
President's Office,

Dear Govr-

I sent my reports by Mr Walter but he forgot them & all will be forwd by express this week. They had been made regularly by me but the Board appointed a committee to examine & report upon that which they have never done an auditor was appointed at the meeting to overhaul all and will be forwarded in a few days. I will [illegible] the drafts for iron when sent me as by your telegram. I am having cross-ties gotten out rapidly along the line and will by Feby 1st begin to lay track and can safely make a certificate similar to the former one so as to get the iron in readiness.

Had I not best go on about the 1st of Jany and get proposals for the rails and forward to you. The fish are about ready for distribution. I will see to it for you. About the 1st of Jany if you can send me 50 or 100 additional hands I will start a force at Pattons Mill. If hard work will get us to Asheville next year it will be done. 

Very Respy & Truly Yrs