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Western North Carolina Rail Road Co.
President's Office,

Dear Govr-

Yr favor in regard to freights on chestnuts was recvd. Our rates on them are 5th class which wd be from Henry to Salisbury 120 miles 32 c. per 100 lbs on potatoes, cabbage and green apples it is 1/2 of 6th class cheaper I will guaranty than any road in the country, this wd be from Henry 16c per 100 lbs. I had heard so much complaint that mountain people could not ship their produce on account of high rates, that I reduced it too low in order to get a trade started if there was any thing in it. As yet it has increased it little if any. Over charges frequently occur in this way, a man a few days ago shipped a box of apples from Asheville, the agent at Henry had no way of ascertaining what was in the box and shipped it as 1st class prices of course the shipper had no one to blame but him self for the over charge.

A few have attempted to cheat in our difference of rates to Charlotte, but it does not amount to much. I watch pretty closely for it, do not believe the order [lessened] our rates $100 per annum. I will see you between this and 1st of Jnay and have figures to show whether it is worth the while to interfere with present plan. The act of assembly provides for 500 hands to work on W NC Rd Rd. I keep an accurate account of all hands as will be seen in report forwarded next week, fully 20 percent are used for getting wood cooking washing &c &c, the state has to board them and can hands thus employed be considered as part of our 500, our actual working force is never about 400, since the new arrivals which I wish could have come before the severe weather we are having at this time.

I hope your fish men are getting on well this cold snap, the pond is I think all right and they had all they desired but 6 or 8 cord of oak or Hickory wood. With wood at their door I did think three grown men could take a hatchet and cut enough for a stove. When ready for distributing I will take pleasure in assisting in any way. We will be ready the 1st of the year to order the iron for the Mt section, on some of the short curves a steel rail will be very necessary and I hope you will consent to my purchasing about one mile for that purpose. Pardon me for my frequent & long letters. I know the interest you feel in the work and I hope I am not troublesome.

Very Respy & Truly