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Western North Carolina Rail Road Co.
President's Office,

Gov Vance
Dear Sir,

I enclose our tariff which any RRd man will explain to you in a moment, also an order under which all agents are now acting. Through rates on all RRd are less than our locals, competing [illegible] rendering it necessary, though our road gets its locals on all except a few special contracts on lines molasses & salt but Charlotte & Wilmington have always had the advantage of any such contracts since my administration. Previous to it all freights to Charlotte and from Charlotte were charged from Salisbury. Maj. Smith would not exchange state at Statesville and yet never a word was said. Freights from the north are less to Charlotte than Salisbury and the Charlotte board of trade makes no objection to this discrimination. The following is the order alluded to and in force.

“Freights to & from Charlotte Wilmington and intermediate points will be charged locals to Statesville. Through freight from the north will be charged as heretofore” which is from Salisbury no matter if it goes to Charlotte then over to A. T. & O. Road to Statesville, this course is necessary to protect the part of the road from Statesville to Salisbury.

Very Respy & Truly Yrs

I wrote you hurriedly from Henry in regard to land at Round Knob, its character you saw, the houses will cost as much as is now asked for the land. The South Mountain lands in this county are very cheap at the price they can be bought 50 c.

I intend putting an engine on the western approach of Swannanoa Tunnel and will need about 1/2 mile of iron wd you be willing for me to buy it to be paid for say the 15th of Jany. I can make the certificate that the track is now ready. What about getting the trout? and have you a man to see that they are not stolen.

Very respy
J. W. W.