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My Dear Sir-

I met Maj Wilson a day or more ago, he told me about a conversation you had with him at R when [there] (Fair week) among other things he said you would like to give the position of Asst. Supervisor of Convicts on Blue Ridge to some McDowell Man, & to S. J. Neal if he would accept it. Maj W asked me to find out; & Neal will accept it, & very glad of the opportunity. I can tell you Neal is very hard pressed large family dependant on him, & never entirely free himself from debt. He has struggled, & is struggling to get along now. Neal & his friends would be very grateful to you for the position. Besides there are other reasons for your doing this which I’ll not take the time to write you; but will tell you first opportunity.

Your appointment of Judge McCoy to head our extra Court will I have no doubt give entire satisfaction, at least I’m very well satisfied, & I think your reasons good & sufficient.

Yours &c,

P. S. The position alluded to is the one occupied by McDuffy at present, as he will vacate.

A. M. E.