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A. A. KENT, M.D.

Hon. Locke Craig, Gov.,
Asheville, N.C.

My Dear Governor:-

In consequence of my being largely responsible for the existence of the State School for the Feeble Minded I am deeply interested in its success. I am a member of the Board of Trustees appointed to serve for six years. As you will have the appointment of three or four member of the Board very soon I would like to have a confidential talk with you in regard to them.

We need especially at this time a strong practical man of strong executive ability, who would hold his duty to the State and the unfortunates of the State that we are trying to provide for far above personal friendships, to fill the position of Chairman of the Executive Com. On account of the location of the School he should live in Kinston. Dr. James M. Parrott of Kinston is qualified in a high degree for the place. I served with him for six years on the Board of Medical Examiners and know him to be not only one of our strongest professional men in the state, but a man of large affairs, which he manages with extra ordinary practical ability and success. He has fine executive ability, is a natural leader of men, and holds the confidence of the people of Kinston more than any other man. Upon my suggestion to him, he took up the matter with the people of Kinston in such a determined way that it resulted in Kinston’s giving us the magnificent site for the institution and its location there.

Unfortunately for the Institution, Mr. Dawson, whose term now expires, is lacking in breadth of view, executive ability and practical ability, and is controled by his sense of obligation to personal friends. He is a travelling salesman and not in Kinston a considerable part of his time. He has never before had any experience with institution work; and leaves everything to Dr. Hardy, the Supt. Who is wofully void of practical knowledge of things. Dr. Parrott has had a great deal of experience with institutional work in the state, having been Trustee to the Insane Hospital at Raleigh, for many years trustee of Wake Forest College, and physician in charge of a private hospital. He has extensive farms near Kinston, which he is managing so successfully that they are making a fortune for him. We especially need that successful practical ability to manage the thousand acres of land which was donated to us by Kinston.

Dr. Parrott would accept the position and with him as chairman of the Executive Com. the institution would be safe, without such a change I feel greatly discouraged about the success of this institution.

Mr. R. E. Austin of Albemarle has been a most valuable member of the Board; has done much to protect the interests of the State, and should be reappointed. Of Dr. L. B. McBrayer’s splendid ability and devotion to the institution you probably have learned already. It would be most unfortunate for the institution to loose him. Dr. J. Y. Joyner has been a tower of strength to the institution on all occasions.

I would very much prefer to have talked these matters over with you but have written fearing that I might not be able to get to see you.

I know full well that you will do what you believe to be for the best interests of the State and the Institution, regardless of what may be the personal wishes of any one. I feel so deeply the need of such a man as Dr. Parrott on the Board that I am constrained to ask for his appointment.

Wishing you a most Happy and Successful New Year as Chief Executive of the Old North State,

Yours most obediently,