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His Excellency,
The Hon. Locke Craig, Gov. of North Carolina,
Raleigh, N.C.

Dear Governor:-

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of the 25th. inst., and in reply to the same to advise that I have written the coroner that I deem it unwise for him to have the negroes now confined in the penitentiary to testify before the coroner of the jury in regard to the death of Mrs. Lynch. Criminel Court convens in Johnston on the 9th., and as I understand the law, if there is sufficient evidence, a bill can be found by the Grand Jury independent of whether or not the coroner's inquest has been concluded, and in case a true bill is found against Worth Saunders, it will then be an easy matter to secure an order from the Judge to have him brought to Smithfield for trial, and the danger would certainly be much less then than it will be to have him present at an investigation at Selma.

I will state, that Judge Peebles concurs in this view of the matter, as does also the County attorney of Johnston.

Yours truly,