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Pursuant to your Excellency's Instructions o[f the] 27th. of January last to me directed, as Lieut. Colonel [of the] Regiment of Orange, I have returned the list of Off[icers] with the Number of Private Men in each of the Co[mpa]nies that Appeared at the General Muster.

Mark Morgan had Notice, of his being Appointed Capt. but did not Attend to be Qualified.

Michael Dickson Not being of Ability of Body, Desired to be excused.

John Gordon Esqr. was Present when the other Officers we[re] Qualified, but refused to except of the Captains Commissio[n.]

Laurence Thompson Esqr. having been by A late Commissi[on] appointed Capt. of a Troop of Horse, did not Qual[ify] to the Commission in the Foot.

Robert Harper Moved to South Carolina last Summe[r.]

Robert Little was Qualified, but by an Indisposition [of] the family, Could Not Possibly give his Company N[otice] to be at the Muster.

If it Suits with your Excellency's Pleasure, I humbly Co[torn] would be Agreable to Appoint the following Persons, in the [place of] those Captains that are wanting, To wit.

John Patterson Esqr. and Thomas Loyd, in the Room of Mark M[organ] whose Company was too large.

Laurence Rambo, in the Room of Captain's, Gordon and Dickson, whose Companies ware too small.

William Lee in the Room of Robert Harper.

The Districts are not so regular, as they may be, for the ease [of] People, but as there is No Colonel Appointed, and so many of [the] Captains Not Qualify'd, I thought it suitable to Postpose [the] affair 'till your Excellency's Pleasure is further known. I shall take Care, so far as I am Capable, to Dicipline the Reg[iment] under my Care, but as I am not well acquainted in the Law of [torn] and Military Affairs, am Doubtful of Answering the Design [in] which this great trust was Reposed in me, And would Theref[ore] [hu]mbly request your Excellency's favour, in Exusing me fro[m] that Station any longer, believing there are others [who is] More Capable, Namely, Laurence Thompson Esqr. and [Major] Alexander Mebane.

[En]closed with the list above mentioned, Comes a list of Captain [T]hompsons troop of light Horse.

[torn]o wishing your Excellency much Happiness in the [A]dministration of your Government, I take leave to subscribe [m] self, with the greatest Respect

Your Excellency's Most Faithful

And Ready Servant.

Josias Dickson