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Hon. Locke Craig,
Raleigh, N.C.,

Dear Governor:

I received your letter stating that no convicts were available for Madison County just now. This is a very great disappointment to us. We sold bonds to the amount of fifty thousand dollars on last Monday at a loss of two thousand dollars. We did this that we might take care of the necessary expense connected with the work of the convicts.

Our people feel sure that you will do any thing for us that you can, but if it is possible for us to get even a very small camp, at present, it would encourage the people greatly. We have talked State aid and it has been a powerful factor in moulding public opinion for good roads in this County. Our people have been very hopeful and the disappointment will be great.

I fear that a set back to us now will be disasterous. The road means a great deal to us and also to Buncombe County. We have had an uphill fight here and aid right now will mean a great deal to us. I will say but little until I hear more fully from you as to just what me may hope for. With kindest wishes, I am,

Your true friend,