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At the Council Chamber Whitehall
The 3d. day of April 1753
By the Right Honourable the Lords of the Committee of Council for Plantation Affairs.

His Majesty having been pleased, by His order in Council of the 7t. of last Month, to referr until this Committee the Memorial of Arthur Dobbs Esqr. His Majestys Governor of the Province of North Carolina, humbly praying for the reasons therein contained, that His Majesty will be graciously pleased to grant such ordance and Stores for the safety of the said Colony and Shipping, as the Fort and Battery lately erected by the Legislature of that Province on Cape Fear River, may necessarily require. The Lords of the Committee this day took the said Memorial into their Consideration, and are hereby pleased to referr the same, together with the Plan of the said Fort and Battery, and other Papers thereto annexed, to the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations to consider thereof, and Report their Opinion thereupon to this Committee.