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At the Court at St. James's
the 25th of January 1753
The Kings most Excellent Majesty
in Council

Upon reading this day at the Board a Representation from the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations dated the Eleventh of this Instant, Setting forth That Gabriel Johnston Esqr. Captain General and Governor in Chief of His Majestys Province of North Carolina in America is dead, and that Arthur Dobbs Esqr appearing to them to be a person every way qualified to Serve His Majesty in that Station, They therefore humbly propose to His Majesty that the said Arthur Dobbs may be appointed Captain General and Governor in Chief of His Majestys said Province of North Carolina, in the room of the said Gabriel Johnston Esqr deceased; His Majesty in Council approving thereof is pleased to Order, as it is hereby Ordered, That the said Arthur Dobbs be Constituted and Appointed Captain General and Governor in Chief of His Majestys said province of North Carolina in the room of Gabriel Johnston Esqr deceased; And that the said Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations do prepare the Draught of a Commission and Instructions for the said Arthur Dobbs, and lay the same before His Majesty at this Board for His Approbation.

North Carolina.
Order of Council, dated the 25th. of January 1753, approving a Representation of this Board proposing that Arthur Dobbs Esqr. may be appointed Govr. of His Majesty's Province of North Carolina in the room of Gabl. Johnston Esqr. deced & directing this Board to prepare a Commission and Instructions accordingly.

Recd. Janry. 27th
Read 31st 1753.

