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I had the Honour of your Excellency's Letter of Febry. 20th. inclosing Secretary Pitts' Letter on Thursday the 27th. by Charles Town from Govr. Lyttelton, and yours of the 1st. of March by the Express who returned from New York with the Duplicate of your former Letter the same day, and gave him a Horse to carry him to the Boundary of this Province where he had left his Horse when he went Northward.

It is with great pleasure I received his Majesty's Commands, and hope by the Blessing of God upon these vigorous Measures that your Excellency will compleat the Conquest of all Canada, and the Commander who is to be appointed General to the Southward will drive the French from Mississippi and Mobile, and get rid of our implacable Enemies from this Continent. I wish I had earlier Notice, for our Assembly was dissolved, and Writs issued for an Election of Members the 10th. of AprilUpon Receipt of yours I issued a Proclamation for the Assembly's Meeting on the 22d. of April, which is as soon as they can possibly meet after their Election, and nothing shall be wanting on my part to spirit them up to raise some Troops with the utmost Expedition, as I have long wished for this happy Crisis to secure this Continent and ruin the French Marineas Providence has so far manifested itself in our favour. I make no doubt of Success and that you will reap fresh Laurels by accomplishing the Reduction of Canada, and procuring us a safe and most honourable peace.

I am with the greatest Regard,


your Excellency's

most obedient

humble Servant

Arthur Dobbs