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I had your favour of the 17th. of September acquainting me that his Majesty had appointed Genl. Amherst Commander in Chief of the Forces on this Continent and to correspond with him; and to lay such Embargos as he shall find necessary for his Majesty's Service. I have accordingly wrote to him and have desired that he might proportion what part of the £50,000 we are to have for the Benefit of this poor province, which has done it's utmost to assist the Northern provinces as well as South Carolina in Case they wanted any Aid from us; and as it was your Goodness which procured us that Sum for the use of the Southern Provinces, and we were obliged to send 3 Companies which were to consist of 300 Men to the Ohio this Campaign upon your Letter last Spring, which we cou'd not pay abroad, having neither Money nor Credit to pay our Troops, I was obliged to write to Brigr. General Forbes to advance their pay upon the Credit of our Proportion of that Sum, which he has done, and therefore hope you will be so good as to make that Sum be paid in order to have the Benefit of what his Majesty was pleased to allow this Province in part to reimburse above £66,000 raised in this Province for his Majesty's Service, above £38,000 of which was to assist the other Provinces; and it gives me great pleasure to find that we have gained the End, by the French having deserted and burnt Fort Du Quesne, and retreated to Mississippi the 24th of last Month, by which Means all the Indians have desired to join us, and they will be deprived of their Navigation and Trade of these Lakes.

I am with great Respect


your most obedient and

most humble Servant

Arthur Dobbs

Edenton Dec. 22. 1759
Govr. Dobbs
R: April 3d.