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Govr. Knowles.




The King having been pleased to lay His Commands upon the Duke of Newcastle to serve him, at the Head of the Treasury, and His Grace having thereupon resigned into the King's Hands the Seals of the Office of one of the Principal Secretaries of State; His Ma’ty has been most graciously pleased to honour me with the Office of His Principal Secretary of State for the Southern Department, in the room of the Earl of Holdernesse, who is nominated to succeed the Duke of Newcastle in the Northern, and I am to desire you will address your Letters to me for the future, & You may be assured that I will be very punctual in laying them before the King, and in transmitting to you such Instructions and Orders as His Majesty may think fit to give for your Guidance and Direction, I hope that you will at the same Time be persuaded that I am etc.

Thos. Robinson

A like Lre was wrote to Gov’r Grenville, Gov’r Thomas, Gov’r Popple, Gov’r Tinker, Gov’r Shirley, Gov’r Wentworth, Gov’r Hopson, Lt. Gov’r DeLancey, Gov’r Dobbs, Gov’r Belcher, Gov’r Glen, Dep. Gov’r Sharpe, Dep. Gov’r Hamilton, Gov’r of Newfoundland, Gov’r and Comp. of Rhode Island, Gov’r and Comp. of Connecticut, Lt. Gov’r Dinwiddie, to whom was added the following P.S.

I have the pleasure to acqt. you that your Lres of the 29 Decr. and 29 Jan. have been recd. by the Speedwell Sloop and have been laid before the King, but I have not at present any Commands to send you from His Majesty upon their Contents.
