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Governor T. W. Bickett,
Raleigh N.C.

My Dear Governor Bickett:

I am very anxious to be given a command in the new war forces commensurae with my age and experience in the regular army. The object of this letter is to ask your kindly assistance towards that end. I have no doubt that the Governors of States will have a great deal to do with the selection of the officers of the the troops in their own territories. Senatoe Weeks of Mass., who is a class-mate of mine, informs me that retired officers of the regular army are eligible for commands in these new troops.

I graduated from the Naval Academy in 1881, was transferred to the army two years later. I was retired in 1908 at a time when early retirements were encouraged by the War Department because of slownes in promotions. I was retired as Major of Infantry. I was recalled to active service in the regular army last May and have been in command of this Post since. In addition to the duties as Post Commandant, I was recently put in charge of the construction work for one of the large training camps for officers established throughout the country. Considering the short time allowed for this work, it is a big job. So far the work is progressing well and if weather conditions remain favorable I shall finish according to orders, May 14.

I have entirely recovered my health and doctors say I am in very fit condition.

Hoping that my aspirations to serve with North Carolina troops may meet with your approval and consideration

I am with very great respect