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Sherriffs of North Carolina to receive the Quit Rents there.


Whereas by Letters Patent under Our Great Seal of Great Britain bearing date the 23d day of Febry. in the 26th year of Our Reign (1753) We have Constituted and Appointed you to be Our Captain General and Governor in Chief in and Over Our Province of North Carolina in America And Whereas it has been Represented unto Us as well by you as by the Auditor of Our Plantations, that it will be greatly for Our Service If the Quit Rents in Our said province of North Carolina be received in the like manner and by the like Officers as the Quit Rent in Our Colony of Virginia are received Our Will and Pleasure therefore is And We do hereby Authorize and require You to give the Necessary Orders and Directions that the Quit Rents in Our said Province of North Carolina be received (in the same manner, as they are received in Our Colony of Virginia) by the Sherriffs of the respective Countys or Districts of Our said Province and be paid over by them to the Receiver General of Our Revenues there the said Sherriffs to be Allowed 5 ls. per Ct. for such Service and Our said Receiver General to be Allowed 10 ls. per Ct. the s’d Several Allowances of 5 ls. per Ct. & 10 ls. per Ct. to be deducted Out of Our said Quit Rents And for so doing this shall be as well to you, as to the Aud[ito]r of Our Plantations, to the said [illegible] and to the Receiver General for the time being, and all others herein Concerned a Sufficient Warrant. Given at Our Court at Kensington this 24th day of July 1754 in the 28th year of Our Reign,

By his Majestys Command.

To Our Trusty and Welbeloved Arthur Dobbs Esqr. Captain Genl. and Governor in Chief in and over Our Province of North Carolina in America.