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T. W. Bickett
Governor, Raleigh, N.C.

Referring important letter mailed you concerning cotton acreage reduction and postponement payment of taxes. Similar letter was mailed to every governor in belt. Beg that you give this matter immediate attention. Please issue strong statement to associated press with your endorsement acreage reduction. Also please wire all governors urging compliance with request so as to make action on acreage reduction and postponement of tax payments uniform throughout belt. Account your great influence am especially anxious have you assit by making request on all other governors to join with you. Favorable action on part all governors will have immediate beneficial effect and passage this legislation assures certainty of changing present conditions confronting south into prosperity which is justly ours. Entire cotton consuming world much exercised over action of governors and concede fact that endorsement of acreage reduction by governors will start actual buying movement on part of spinners and passage legislation will assure certainty cotton selling for profitable price please answer.

J. S. Wannaker, Prest Amn Cotton Assn
