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Hon. T. W. Bickett,
Raleigh, N.C.

Dear Sir:

Ten days ago we had two Prisoners in our City Prison, who were caught selling liquor some distance from our City, and some unknown parties came in the dead hours of night with hack saws and sawed the prison locks. First, the outside lock and then two cell locks where the two Prisoners were incarcerated.

On Monday the 19th, the City Council met in session, and decided to offer $50.00 reward for the capture and conviction of the persons who broke the locks of our City Prison in sympathy of the liquor traffic.

The City Council requested me to write you and ask if you would not give the same amount as the City has offered ($50.00). That would make a total of $100.00 for the capture and conviction of the offenders.

Thanking you for this information, I am,

Yours very truly,

Ira T. Johnson
City Manager.